Hi Everyone,
Yesterday I took on a new challenge. Over at the Katzelkraft forum
http://katzelkraft.actifforum.com/index.forum Beatrice Katzele is running a great challenge.
What do you have to do:
Make 3 Christmas cards a week according to her challenge. You can also do 1 extra card a week according to her 'Special K challenge' If you manage to make the 30 cards or/and the 10 Special K cards by December 31st, you will then receive a K-do (Katzelkraft gift) and be entered in a draw for a big prize :).
You don't have to do ALL the cards, you can do just some of them. You can also make cards out of sequence - ie you can make one challenge a few weeks later and just add it to your own little gallery.
You don't have to use only Katzelkraft stamps - any stamps as long as they are Christmas.
Of course they do love to see their own stamps, so to help you, there is a surprise for those who join the challenge - but I'm not going to tell you what! Go and JOIN!
It's French forum, but there is a special section for us English speakers. All you have to do is register with the forum to join in the fun.
Here's some help with joining (Thanks Isabelle)
Once you have registered you will have to wait a bit until someone activates your account. You will then receive a confirmation email like this:
Votre compte sur Katzelkraft, le forum" - http://katzelkraft.actifforum.com vient d'ĂȘtre activĂ©
All you have to do next, is to log on (ON/OFF button top right) and come in the "10 weeks 'til Christmas section" here:
Please come and introduce yourself and say hi, here:
Who's going to come and play?
Chack out their fantastic stamps here: